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A proper diversity and inclusion programs ensures you have access to all the best candidates, and even increase your company's performance.
Recruitment Process

Maximize Your Diversity and Inclusion Efforts

Diversity matters, and if you don’t think it does, take a look at McKinsey’s 2015 report on the matter. In short: companies that maximize their diversity and inclusion efforts, are more successful than their peers that are not. But remember, diversity is a broad topic. It goes well beyond race, background and gender. While you

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Sharing too much, whether in the job interview or online, may hurt your chances of getting the job. Be Mindful of what you share. Here's how.

Be Deliberate In What You Share

“In sales, one of the most important skills is to know when you need to be quiet. You hear that after you deliver your pitch, “the first one to speak, loses”. Same applies for when you close the sale. You need to know when to stop talking. If you feel or think that you have

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Generation Z, the latest generation to have joined the workforce, looks for specific characteristics when joining a company. Find out which.

How to Attract and Retain Gen Z Candidates

The latest generation entering the workforce is Gen Z, or Generation Z. Although you can’t really pinpoint a start and end, it’s roughly the group of people born in the mid-90s through the early 2000s. I believe that all generations have similar needs and characteristics based on the phase in their life. Nonetheless, Gen Z

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Time is finite: when it's gone, you don't get it back. Effective and efficient use is crucial. Here's how to get the most out of your time.

The Top 5 Things for Effective Time Management

Time is more value than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time. Jim Rohn Time spent means it’s gone and it you won’t get it back. I don’t necessarily mean that in a dark and gloomy way: oftentimes you create beautiful memories, you get stuff done or you have expanded

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Internal candidates have an advantage when they're applying for a position. But they still have to prepare to be successful. Here's how.

Internal Candidates | How to Maximize Success

I am always surprised when my own employees mess up the interviews. You already work here – how come you don’t shine like a diamond? And then I realize – they underestimate the importance and overestimate their ability to just come in and discuss, instead of interview. It’s a shame, especially because it may follow

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Even in markets where candidates are plenty, communicate well and often with your candidates and strengthen your employer brand and outcome.

Improve Communications with Your Candidates

“I understand that the market changed, but I put in a lot of effort crafting my resume and filling out pages and pages of information in their ATS. In this day and age, I can’t believe that the system can’t be set up in such a way that I receive a simple note stating I

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Even in times where there are many candidates and applicants, you work on building and enhancing your talent community. Here's how.
Recruitment Process

Get Active with your Passive Candidates

Even though the candidate market looks completely different compared to a couple of months ago, this still is true: \”the person who actively approaches you isn\’t necessarily the best candidate for the vacancy, and the person who doesn\’t, isn\’t necessarily a bad fit\”. I have found many, many superb candidates for the roles at my

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Recruitment isn't an easy job. You need to have specific skills to be able to be successful in this field. Here's the five top skills.
Recruitment Process

The Five Skills Every Recruiter Should Have

“A recruiter wears many hats, all at the same time. There’s a bit of sales, marketing, investigative journalist and planner, all rolled into one. It’s not a role that anyone can just do. You need to possess the right skills and mindset in order to be successful.” We agree. To be successful in this particularly

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